of Germany - It's
better than the photos.
N.L. has recently received the first production FarStar
telescope. (This primary in this telescope is a 13" f/4.7 Swayze
Photos of owners
on this web site are
used with their permission.
Please do not republish
their photos without
Thank you!
of Texas- I saw detail on Mars and
sharpness that I have not seen in
a LONG time with my other dob. Stars appear as small focused
and close doubles split without problem. Color of stars is
intense and
contrast with good dark background just seems better than my C-8 or 10"
Dob. |
of New York - I'm amazed to have such
a good scope at so reasonable a price. |
of Michigan- [using a filter] was
interesting on Mars. Quite a bit of detail...

Gary (on left) at Black Forest Star Party, 2003.
of Colorado - I
hooked up the
DSC and spent 2 hours one night just bouncing from one globular
to a
nebula to a galaxy. I gave up using the 30mm Widescan as the object
was always in the field. I put in a Seibert 19mm WA (about 67º
apparent field of view) and 75% were in the field. The rest just out,
and a nudge put them
in. This says the scope is square and tracks evenly - not
much 'runout'.
Kovich of Califonia - I
went up to my Sierra mountain home this weekend. ... Even with lots of
high clouds and a bright moon, everything was better than my 10" LX 200
ever was. I can't believe how easy it is to transport, set up,
and take this scope down. I had a couple of friends with me and
they loved
the scope ... One is a professional woodworker, a master craftsman with
works in galleries throughout the western U.S, and he was very
impressed with the quality of the workmanship.
I want to thank you, Ed, for
building this great scope. I know it took some time, but the wait
was well worth it. I couldn't be more
W. of New Hamshire - Thank you
for building me a magnificent and beautiful scope. The design and
craftsmanship of the T14 are first-rate. It assembles and
disassembles easily, and fellow stargazers have been impressed at how
light it is, and how smooth the motion is. The Peerless Optical Package optics were
well worth waiting for.
The lunar surface, planets, comets, double stars, DSOs, you name
it--sharp, clear, detailed views of everything. I don't think
I'll ever forget my first view of M13 in the TScope.
S. of Florida writes - Here
I'm collimating the 14" f4.7 Ultra light Telescope. We are getting
ready to have a Star Party. I have gotten so many complements from
everyone that looks through it. It even gets better views than our 24"
RC dome telescope. Thanks for a great scope. I love it. Hope you had a
great Christmas and a Happy New Year! A very Satisfied Tscope user!
Bernie Sokolowski. of New York - First
light showed excellent optics on this T-13. No turned edge, and clean
symmetrical diffraction rings on both sides of focus. Much better than
diffraction limited. [...] First views of Mars where astounding
at only 175x! Loads of
detail, more than I could sketch in a two hour stretch. [...] Thanks a
million on delivering the scope. You make a great product. |
Holt of Michigan -
I wanted to take a minute to thank you for building me a wonderful
scope. Since August, over 300 people have had a chance to view with it.
The common comments I hear are; "What a beautiful design", "I can't
believe it's so light", "It moves so smoothly, I can hand track at
300x", "You've set it up (put it away) that fast?", "You never need a
ladder!", "What a great image!". Another 100 people will be viewing
through it before Thanksgiving; [...] Thanks for building MINE!
Truss-conversions and
ultralight "make-overs" of existing scopes!
Davy of New York - It is a beautiful
instrument which always attracts notice
when I take it out. People rave about the smoothness of movement
both altitude and azimuth. It sets up nearly in collimation time
time. It is a fine instrument.
12.5" Meade Starfinder Dob needed the backseat folded down; now
with a "make over" into a 12.5" Tscope, it fits entirely into the rear
cargo area of this small hatchback with the back seat up.
Tscope owners: If you've sent a
picture, thanks again. If not, please send one; I'd love to put your
picture here! - Ed.